Power Mapping & Spectrum of Allies

Power Mapping


  • Helps participants consider the social and political context within which they are developing strategy.
  • Creatively considers allies, opponents, targets and constituents prior to embarking on a campaign.
  • Helps to revise strategy later

How It’s Done:

  1. Think of a campaign and it’s goals.
  2. Briefly describe your campaigns to each other
  3. What is the main outcome the campaign hopes to achieve? Define the outcome in terms of a realistic and achievable objective (eg. increase awareness of Lentara’s asylum seeker housing program in people 18-29)
  4. With this outcome in mind, write on the cards provided the names of organisations and people with whim you might need to engage in order to achieve this outcome. Start with yourself and the main decision-makers. Perhaps include:
    – Our own group
    – The Studio Group
    – Other community groups
    – Local Government
    – State Government
    – Churches
    – Federal Government
    – Local/Regional and National Media
    – Local Businesses
    – Experts / Academics
    – Professionals
    – Particular Sectors of the Community
    – IndustryAs a group on butchers paper create a simple matrix for a power map, with a horizontal and vertical axis dividing the paper into 4 quadrants.

    The vertical axis indicates level of influence or power each person/group has to give you what you need. The horizontal axis indicates whether people support your objective or oppose it.

5. Use a post it note for each group or person and place them on the power map in place they fall. Start with the one with the most power and the least power

6. As each card is placed, discuss the relationship you already have with them, or they have to other stakeholders/power holders

7. Identify the area within the map where your campaign might effect the greatest sphere of emphasis?

Spectrum of Allies:

Is essentially a half pie graph listing degrees or allies to opponents, and seeks to impose the idea that changing the minds of all opponents completely to align with allies, but moving opponents step by step towards allied views.

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