Recording the Podcast

So the past weekend I finally had the time to record the podcast I’ve been wanting to do for a while and had a couple of weeks to plan it and gather people to record it with. So I held the podcast over skype and recorded it.

I had a few problems initially, the program I used to record one on one skype calls did not work with a group call however I managed to find a suitable one and we began. Another problem I had, which I will fix for later podcasts, is that my voice (due to skype settings) was lower than my panels’ voices. So next time I will change my settings accordingly.

The topics we talked about were on the basis that this was an introductory pilot episode of the podcast, relating to anime. So we talked about our favourites in this culture in regards to anime, manga and video games and how that has affected our lives so far. We also tackled how this anime culture is slowly getting more accepted and integrated into ‘normal’ society. And finally we rounded off with talking about anime this season and our initial impressions over the first few episodes. In the end the podcast is roughly an hour and a bit long.

So I have the files here ready to be edited and I guess I’ve been lazy to edit them. I’ve decided I’ll upload it to youtube and soundcloud which I’ll do a post on when they are uploaded.

Overall, I am glad with how the podcast went and hope to continue this by a 6-8 week schedule, from which I upload a podcast every 6-8 weeks in which between the times I collect topics/material to talk about.

Startings of a Podcast – Name: TBD

So after inquiring to a few people at RMIT at my club GM@S (Games, Manga and Anime Society) I had positive feedback with my pitch to them on what I want to achieve in this podcast. The pitch I gave them is as follows:

This is just an inquiry if you guys are interested. I am planning to record a podcast on anime/manga and games and our interests in it on different levels and how/where that puts us in society socially. I plan on making this a more professional style of podcast where I host and we take turns in talking about the topic rather than it being a shout-fest. As for the topics I will plan them and send you guys the topics so you guys have an idea what to talk about before we start.

So I spent the next couple hours planning topics, wording them in a style of a host + panel. I had questions in the first podcast to be quite broad so I can appeal to a wider audience. Generally to those anime fans who are shy to admit they are fans and that there are people (like me) who were the same but have long since overcome. I chose the cast members carefully because we each come from different stances and backgrounds in terms with being a fan of anime and hearing different opinions of them would attract a wider audience. From the complete newbie to the seasoned veteran.

I’ll keep posts about my podcast updated as I close on a date where I will be recording this and finally posting it. Most likely a youtube video with the audio separately on soundcloud.