media outside of media 1 #week6

This week, despite all the upcoming due dates for my assessments, I decided to have a Harry Potter marathon with a couple of mates. For educational purposes, of course. I thought it would help if I could analyse the film techniques and apply the content I was learning in both Media 1 and Intro to Cin. Studies. And you know what? I’m glad I did because I saw the series in a different light (or shall I say darkness in this case) – I noticed that as the film progressed, the cinematography became darker in terms of the lighting. Take this scene from Half-Blood Prince for example:


The colour of the film has pretty much been consistent, including times of suspense such as this scene, when Harry and Dumbledore were on the hunt for one of the horcruxes. Of course, in a cinematographic and a narrative analysis, something ominous is on its way, hence why the lighting is predominantly dark.

Linking this all back to Media 1 though, I reflected on all the aspects that came into filmmaking, especially the people in charge – the director, producer, editor, and the hundreds of cast and crew making the film. I referred back to the group activity we had and realised that this is why we are assigned to group activities at university – in the university, we are exposed to people with different walks of life and experiences, much like the industry we will be entering in to. Just a mini realisation I had mid-marathon. I pretty much downed the series in 2 days. Pat on the back for doing that instead of homework! 😂


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