MEDIA 1 Workshop Week 7 

We began the workshop by looking at our Project Briefs (The interviews of another person assignment). I actually really love to see what everyone had come up with and it was interesting to see just how much we all have different ways of making such different videos that all fit the brief. This also sort of relates to our group work for the upcoming weeks, we all perceive things differently and all have individualistic style and ideas which when brought to a group with an open mind can make for some really interesting products.

So we had to give some feedback to the people on our table in regards to their Project Brief, we referenced the six hats as a guiding point to feedback.



we were also told to focus on

  • technical vs. Aesthetic(style)
  • structure (narrative)
  • controlling idea – story
  • elements: how many, how it’s integrated
  • overlay- just pictures, v/o
  • coverage (how do you cover it, e.g. cu, pan tilt, over the shoulder, how many shots can you get out of one action, how do you cover that scene) Wide shot etc. Types of shots: static moves tilt, tracking, pan, movement, zooms . 3 ways to get a static shot: Stills (photo) video static, tripod lock it off step back, freeze frame in editing 0% motion
  • Audio and choice of music
  • found footage did it stick out how did it fit in

In general my notes were the the found footage is support whats being said was used really well, fades and other editing techniques gave a connection to the overall theme and this joined with music to create an empathetic mood, uses voice over paired with video. blends well together to create a smooth, the camera coverage was also really well done it made one sequence really interesting by showing multiple perspectives of one main concept. Overall each person has really interesting subjects with their own views and each person who filmed is showcased a real individualistic style, likewise camera movements such as the handheld when filming felt very personal and allowed us as audience to feel empathetic to subject.

Problems in most videos: the audio and not being able to hear the interviewee, (car is a great place to film audio) audio bounces of hard surfaces and echoes that is live, whereas carpet and acoustic panels are not live doesn’t get bounce back. Record master video in acoustic room not a live space. We must match the music to be above or below the speaking frequency otherwise it will cancel it out and make it hard to hear.

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