Final blog post 4 semester one.

This first semester has been an incredibly interesting one for me. After essentially having four years off from heavy academic learning, I found my way navigating classrooms and libraries again in the hopes of finding the knowledge that had eluded me for a while now. Starting at RMIT, I was a little worried about the copious amounts of work that would inevitably be thrown my way and knowing no one. A culmination of these things really threw me off and the semester started a bit shaky but bearable.

My learning experiences throughout the semester were interesting to say the least. I definitely started off in Media one a little lazy and unsuspecting, but I truly believe that I learnt how to apply myself to the work and to even let it motivate me to produce good material. I don’t really enjoy the work that I produced in semester one, but do think that I have a lot of room to improve and that I actually will improve on my technical skills. I know that I have good ideas in my head and just need to learn to put them out into the world in an appropriate and presentable manner. The lectorial that focused on Renè Descartes Cartesian theory of dualism (that the mind and body operate independently, but rely on each other) really struck a chord with me. It’s so true. You can’t produce technically perfect material that is relevant and presentable unless there is a really good idea behind it. I think i’ve really grasped this notion and am looking forward to going into semester 2 and fully applying myself to the practice and with a new motivation to get up every morning and become part of this world a little bit more at a time.

What I also learnt throughout the semester is that I 1000000% percent work better independently. Whilst I didn’t really have any traumatic experiences throughout the semester working with other people, I learnt that the only true person that you can rely on is yourself. I understand that that sounds super cliche but, oh my lord, is it true! You don’t need to rely on yourself to turn up to a mutually agreed time and place, you just do it. Eliza and I were discussing this because she is also a *(im)mature aged student*, but we can really feel an age difference between us (WE’RE ONLY 22!!!!) and the people straight out of uni, no disrespect. Just a difference in priorities.

To sum it all up, semester one was a GREAT way to learn my strengths and weaknesses. Now I know how to apply myself to my studies in semester two and i’m actually really looking forward to it!

A little video that sums up my feelings right at this minute and to end it on a bit of a high note, courtesy of Queen Of Pop Anastacia.

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