Week 12 – Lectorial

“Does technology dictate society and culture? Or are we, as human beings, in charge of how technology progresses?”

This is a question that Dan posed to us Media students in today’s lectorial. I think it’s so interesting and I think about on a daily basis. Media dependency is something that I know I struggle with and a lot of my friends. No one likes to be at lunch with a friend and then find that said friend is spending more time on their phone as opposed to communicating with you, in real life. Every week, sitting in the lectorial, it’s obvious how many people are distracted by the technology directly in front of them. By sitting at the back of the lecture theater, you can get an incredible view of the terrifying sea of Macbook’s that are in the room.

I think that for some people, technology may dictate their lives but for others, simply a tool to enhance their everyday lives.

I definitely don’t think technology dictates my life, as I am extremely conscious of my time spent on it and try to limit my exposure to it. I prefer face to face communication but believe that technology is important to the enhancement of the human race and to me as an individual.

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