Set Two Numbers: 54, 526, 498, 186, 32, 958, 228, 1024, 42.

The sunset in Paris,

is when the sky becomes a faded color palette.

The sunset in Arles,

is when the wind disturbs a flock of birds

with a violetish blue background.

At night we walked along Unter den Linden.

In the morning,

we saw—

little boys playing soccer,

a man with two bicycles,

a graffiti of meat which symbolises Berlin being sliced up in two.

—or, a carousel roof in a quiet, ancient small town.

—or, the little stick man telling people to stop,

so one stopped and rested

on a European Sunday afternoon,

at a lonely bench in powder blue.

A well-ranged set of photos I took in Berlin, Kassel, Paris and Arles.

No.1. On the way back to the hotel in Arles. The tree is quite like the ones that Van Gogh drew. This was the second last of the tour. A feeling of sadness grew in me as I saw those birds flew with a sunset background as the wind blew. I was with Kellen and Raneen.

No.2. A boy playing soccer around Berlin Wall Memorial. He was wearing a red t-shirt. We spent a whole afternoon there and had dönner for dinner. Raneen, Kellen, Kai and I created a message group that day. The memorial reminded me that it had only been 20 years since the fall of the wall. Such a short time! Yet the city has made such a progress in reconstructing and developing. Sometimes you can still sense the air of the cold war. Once the damage is done, it is irreversible. People will remember. The change has executed.

No.5. First day in Kassel. There was an interesting garden with children’s toys, sands and tiny colored chairs. The bench was one of the items in there. The afternoon was relaxing, spent in a cafe, had a latte and proper a European meal that I could never finish.

No.6. On the way to the city centre in Arles. A Beautiful day it was.

No.8. Four of us walked along Unter den Linden, trying to find which way was Brandenburg Tor. It rained a little bit and it stopped. Berlin and Paris were always like that. The same day of photo No.2.

No.9. I spent the afternoon by myself, walked along Champs-Elysees to Arc de Triumph. It rained that day, taught me something about the weather in Paris.The sunset was amazing.