Out of nowhere:

  1. a convivial making
  2. the truculence and clamour of things

What do they mean?

  • Truculence: quick to argue, aggressively defiant, unruliness.
  • Clamour: shouting
  • Convivial: friendly, agreeable, opposite to argumentative.


Tuesday. Studio notes.//

As documenters, we practise to listen to the seemingly silent ones because every being, the sole existence is a clamour. They shouts for attention, for its being. It’s like the example Adrian gave in studio. The shield trees are probably red gums making a claim that they are aboriginal plants, here, one the land of Australia.

What then is a “convivial making”? Perhaps being friendly to the subject matter? Encouraging an eager to understand the other so as to make media that are convivial to the other?