What exactly is it? I fail to think of a perfect answer as I can’t even comprehend my own existence.

Looking inside, it is composed of an organic part (will be carbon) and inorganic substances, like, calcium carbonate. Magnifying carbon, calcium, hydrogen and such elements, you will see neutrons, protons and electrons. Then you keep going, dissecting the particles, discovering tinier ones. What will be found in the end? Perhaps nothing.

Looking outside, the bracelet’s identity never cease to change. From being a part of a living animal to a harvested pieced of skeleton, from a piece of selected material to engraved, polished jewellery, from a merchandise to a reminder of a certain past, such identities are all given by humans defined by its relation with us. This thing(we can’t even name it), if we have to abandon the subjective point of view as much as possible, is what it is, composed of many much smaller things, being on the table, or in the sea, or on my wrist. It’s hard to be completely objective. Naming them is not objective. Conclusion? You cannot be completely objective when you wish to know more of the world. It’s like you cannot have interactions in society if you don’t start with knowing one person.

Hence, it is a coral bracelet, an organic existence, or nothing even.