
Above is a sample learning graph we need to do for the semester. This means the first half of year one in university has coming to an end. Really sad to think about it now, but I’m looking forward to the studios next semester. I will be writing a final reflection blog post so you can check it later to see me wrapping up the learning experiences. Brian reminds us about the assignments we need to submit and Rachel introduced briefly about the studios and the ballot.

So this is the end, my final lecture. Sitting beside my PB4 group member, I feel time flies ever so fast. It was only 3 months ago when I first arrive this city alone. Lots of things have happened. Meeting friends. Party with roommates. Growing up. Frustrated about future. Now the progress has come to an end. After the short rest, ship will sail again.

When I first arrived here, I often listen to this song: Alone in Beijing. I suppose I was imagining alone in Melbourne. Now that I have made friends, learnt new things, the past seems to slowly fade away like the distant mist.

Alone In Beijing | 一個人的北京

One part of the lyrics:

People come and go, they gather and leave.

Some hurriedly run away from the loneliness in Beijing.

Some get drunk and cry in the the loneliness in Beijing.

Maybe I will succeed, or lose, ageing slowly.

Will I save the that last bit of my memories?


Perhaps someday, we will leave here together.

Leaving the place on a sunny day.

Let me hug you, on the sunny day.