There are two parts to the lecture.

#1. “Institution”, a word borrow from sociology, indicates a collective value when used in the term “media institution.” What are media institutions? They consist of a group of people under a certain structure. They are enduring. During the lecture, the name of Michel Foucault and Michel de Certeau have also been mentioned. I don’t get enough understanding of their theories, so I will look further into their works soon. Here’s a piece of transcript used on the powerpoint that day:


-what is a strategy ?

The techniques employed by institutions, organisations to interpellate users of that space OR technology OR text (to ensure ‘productive’ behaviours)

-what is a tactic ?

This is a point where uses of a cultural object or site can differ from those imagined/intended by designers (re-writings of dominant meanings, subversions or moments of ‘resistance’ to the official order)

#2. The concept of a video essay is still quite foreign to all of us. Although I have thought about it during last week’s workshop, I still need guidance on that matter. After watching the introduction of Nick Moore’s ‘Video Essay Video Essay’, I extracted the following main points from his instructions:

  1. Structure: Non-conventional, a new form of academic presentation.
  2. Citations: How to source the information?
  3. *Ideas: Have great ideas, use of juxtaposition
  4. Volume: Low or high?
  5. Voiceover: Official or personalised?

Differ from a written essay, a video essay is much more complicated in terms of the range of aspects that which influence the quality of it: the visual appearance, sound, structure, content of the voiceover and other technical problems. It is a much harder challenge, but more interesting. So I am really looking forward to the production of our own video essays.