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This article, published in April 2012, has for that time expressed a clear and informative insight to the new technology usage in news broadcasting. It has proposed that the spread of news has been transformed from separate, information-isolated enterprises delivering the news to a globally shared way. To identify this shift, the author discusses the impact triggered by technology development in four aspects: media management, multi-platform distribution, role-based applications and remote connectivity, recognising the nature of this change as a consumer-driven one.

This is an analytical article which is intended to face the public, helping them to recognise the revolution in news technology. As for professionals, it is a reminder for them of the growing impact technology has on news distribution and production. There is a lack of data in the content of the text, but the clear structure and explanation of the four areas analysed is sufficient for proving the reality of news technology having a significant influence—“news isn’t made anymore; it’s shared.” (49)

I read this text for our group project for PB4. It is helpful for providing four distinct areas that technology has affected, giving us a starting point for analysing the changing technology in news broadcasting. It is also useful for the general information given, helping us to decide on the research area.


Original Article; Access With RMIT Library

< Hoff, 2012, NEWS: A media revolution News isn’t made anymore; it’s shared, Broadcast Engineering (World Edition), Vol. 54 Issue 4, p49-51. >