Tagged: Week 3

The Words

“Jenny is able to complete most tasks at an exceptional rate and shows confidence in doing algebra within logarithms. In the future Jenny should try to finish tasks before the due date, and also spend less time on her laptop in class.”– Edi Candotti


I honestly couldn’t think of a better way to describe myself other than she’s really smart but also very stupid, but my old Methods teacher put it perfectly. This was said during a parent teacher conference and I may have paraphrased what he said but I definitely got the message across. It showcases my extraordinary academic ability yet my complete lack of interest in class. I was good at math, but it didn’t mean I liked it.

The Sounds

It may sound like a simple keyboard being used but it is actually a short clip of me playing a very intense Tetris game. I chose to share this because it is something I have played for as long as I can remember. My love for the game hasn’t wavered over the years and despite it being an old fashioned arcade game I still enjoy playing very single day.

This is a sample of live singing I did of a song from the Mockingjay soundtrack. It’s a hauntingly beautiful song that completely captures the escence of the Hunger Games series, which is my favourite trilogy of all time. My singing may not be the best but I do it with the same passion as those who do it on stage.

The Pictures


The best photo I have taken on my professional camera. It captures one of my friends is her most natural element. It also represents how much growth I need to hone the art of photography but also showcases my talent for capturing candid moments like these.


This moment isn’t a very significant memory in my head but it is how my friends have received this picture is what makes it a representation of myself. Titled “Sassy Jenny”, my friends have treasured this image as a very ‘jenny-esque’ image, with my weird and peculiar personality showing at such a young age. I define myself by what the people close to me see me as and if they see me as a kooky and spontaneously dramatic friend then I embrace that label.


Everywhere I go a hair or two will follow. It has been a part of my daily life to sweep away a stray strand of hair and I use this as a symbol of my acceptance of something I can’t control. I used to think it was a sign of ageing but nowadays I see it as my own personal mark on a space. The more hair the better now.


This image shows only half of what lives within my wardrobe. I use T-shirts to express myself publicly and a majority of these shirts showcase experiences and events that I have been lucky to experience. Pop culture is a huge part of my life, especially those of the comic-book movie kind and it is also where a lot of my money goes.