Tagged: Week 11

I’m On My Way

So update on project brief 4 coming to you in 5 parts.

  1. It’s coming together very smoothly. There has been developments and we have so many layers to it that it might ass well be an ogre.
  2. I see that a lot of ads rely on either one or more of these four things
  3. Radio ads actually work. Like a lot of people consume radio ads willingly, and obviously can’t skip. So due to this they are also 68% more like to do something concerning an ad after hearing it.
  4. My group-mates are killer, especially Annie, because right now she’s doing the bulk of the editing in Canva.
  5. I have chosen to analyse The National Tiles radio ads and The Blind Factory’s jingle. Both very annoying ads that practically anyone with ears can recite.


Sound Like Muzak

Continuing the theme of remixes, below I have compiled a list of remixes, mash-ups, medleys and well whatever you call this, that I rather enjoy and believe definitely worth their own post.


Pokemon Dubstep Remix – KHG & Lindsay Stirling

Kurt and Lindsey have been YouTube veterans for ages and I have been a massive fan of all their covers. This particular own re-imagines the iconic Pokemon theme song and truly is the very best.

Evolution of Beyonce – PTX

Pentatonix have compositions of songs that make you heard go crazy, but get this they do it all A Capella. So not only did they arrange the songs, but also practically recreate complete songs from scratch. It is the epitome of taking something that exists and making more awesome by making it your own.

Across the Universe – Andrew Huang

Now this is an original song, but the instrumental isn’t. The entire song was composed by sounds from the recording of Comet 67P. Andrew has been known to use unconventional instruments to cover songs, like balloons and meth lab equipment?, but this is by far the most interesting. He sampled the recording and mixed, remastered and toned out those sounds into such an out of this world song.

2015 Debut Mashup – The Ark

Okay so this may seem out of nowhere but hear me out. These girls are a South Korean girl group that just recently debuted, but I’m not here to advertise them. Well I am a bit, ever since I heard their first single I was hooked and found that they did amazing live covers and mashups. This particular mashup is my favourite because they don’t shy away from mixing Korean and English songs, and in all honesty the mix of languages doesn’t phase me as I thought it would. They mix the tunes so fluidly and they all take this art very seriously. They have fun and listening to them go UP, DOWN, UP, UP, DOWN is just too fun to not dance along too.



There is no such thing as an original idea ;( There really is no hope for the next generation is there? but we still persist.

This week we discussed mass culture and mass communication, and the notion that notions can be expressed around the world. It was highly entertaining and exciting to see how we are influenced by things even if we aren’t purposely going out to steal, but there are also people who use reproduction as an art form. Dan asked whether remixing something changes what the original message and whether is can be justified as a their own original content.

He brought up Girl Talk’s “This is the Remix” and in all honesty I could only recognize 3 artists and just 1 song. Luckily among the approximately 100 of us we did recognise a fair few of the songs in the remix.

  • DMX
  • Cecilia
  • INXS
  • Lil’ Jon
  • Salt n Pepa
  • Lady Gaga
  • Ace of Base
  • Busta Rhymes
  • The Clash
  • Rick Ross
  • B.O.B.
  • U2

Before this class I had never encountered a remix so complex and intricate. It sounded like a completely original song, and that may have been because I knew none of the originals, but it still sounded great as its own entity. The art of DJ-ing is just amazing because they aren’t just playing songs back to back they create a collaboration between artists that probably never be able to physically work together, and these days DJ’s are a part of consumer culture.