Untold Stories | Week 12 Blog

Untold Stories | Week 12 BlogĀ 

I learned a lot of new things throughout the studio, for instance, the techniques of interview, different documentary genres and their characteristics, the shooting and editing techniques, the importance of sound in documentary and how editing can help the filmmaker to shape the fact and make his own opinion stand out. In the final project of the audio tour, I incorporate new techniques of interview and sounds in it. I interviewed Peter and also people who passing by the Park. During the interviewing of women shelter, we meet a group of tourists, and we let them sit in the shelter, give them see the introduction video and let them reflect it. I think the process is quite interesting although it does not use in the final audio tour. It is also quite difficult to interview people just passing by the shelter, we have been refused a few times due to the time restriction. Therefore, I develop the skill of interview in this project. Further, I also understand the power of sound and how it can create a space and imagination in audiences’ head, brings them to the actual place when they heard the sound of water flows around their ear, allows them to enjoy and appreciate the environment. In this project, I practice the skill of recording sounds with H2N, discovering the possible sound that can be added in the background of the project. We recorded a lot of sounds that can be found in the museum, including the sound of the wind, water, bird, stepping, the old machine and so on. Moreover, I learned to make our project more engaging by adding reflective questions in each destination, I also develop the skill of researching and data organization. I think I did pretty well with the above skills and the participation of the project. However, I could have improved the technique of using audition to edit audio work. I also think I spend a lot of time on the project to do the researching and writing the script but I could think more about the other ideas that can improve the audio tour, including making audio, flyers and website.

Thank you very much!

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