week 11 tutorial

So our rough cut of our media product for project brief 4 was to be submitted this class, which we had done on time. Because we actually did our shoot last weekend, we are able to have time to complete a few rough cuts in order to perfect our final. Between our shoot and our tutorial, Helen wanted to learn more about editing and gain some more experience so we all agreed that Helen should complete our rough cut, which is what she really wanted to do. When we actually shot our footage, we used two cameras and a microphone from school so when the rough cut was completed, the sound used was only from the cameras so the next step will be to sync the recordings from the microphone for each shot. There were also a few of the shots used in the rough cut that were not supposed to have been used, for reasons such as there was a script in the background or continuity issues that we actually reshot on the day, but simple things like this can be changed.

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