#6 Symposium Pandemonium

Another week another symposium reflection hammered out, I think I might be falling into a routine. Yeah there are going to be a lot of hammer jokes in this one so you have been warned.

Have you been asking yourself if technology neutral? Well you’re in luck because that was the main focus of this week’s symposium. After much debating and strange analogies involving hammers we got to the conclusion that technology is in fact not neutral. Yeah that whole hammer thing just made me think of parachute pants and being poor but that is post for another day. The fact that such a simple object such as a hammer can have so many relationships involving hundreds of years of research and development, is a great example of primitive technology evolving into the tool we all take for granted.

Can’t touch this, there is said it or more accurately I wrote it.

You are probably thinking “ohh he’ll just include a picture of MC Hammer haha”. Well the image below will prove just how wrong you really are.

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