#55 Response To Reading (Week 4)

For this weeks reading I had to dig deep into the abyss to find my long lost lover, Film Art: An Introduction by the ever so square Bordwell and Thompson.

After blowing off the dust and settling in to a comfortable position, I braced myself with what was to come.

Here is what I want to talk about:

Narrative- “considered a chain of events linked by cause and effect and occurring in time and space” in general it is the story behind a film. Narrative can be linear or not, I mean lets think about Christopher Nolan’s Memento (2000) because that is definitely non-linear.

Most things tell stories, even our own lives a basically set as a narrative blah blah blah (so deep).

Documentaries- this supposed “truth” cinema, that present a “real” issue and seem unscripted and edited to give this sense of reality/real time. Documentaries have narratives I suppose, they tall a story, they inform through a sequence of events, cause and effect and all that.

Experimental films are fantastic. Watching them last year in Cinema Studies was a treat, they were all so weird and abstract. The shots were beautiful and there always seemed to be this focus on timing and patterns as opposed to telling a story or having “meaning”. They are simply “avant-garde”  and if I say so myself, trés bien.


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