Hashtag Brunch

Wednesday this week was yet another good day for me. It was a long day but it was a good day.

Having had an early class that day (a catch-up lesson due to the public holiday), I was still set to have good day since I made the decision the night before to check out this cafe I’ve been wanting to go to in and among Melbourne’s laneways. Though I didn’t go to the place I originally wanted to go to, I went to another cafe which I’ve also wanted to check out and happened to stumble along the way looking for the other place.

Serendipity, they call it.

I must say that the ambience of this place was quite nice and cosy. Their service was quick and the food was pretty good. I guess one of the reasons I wanted to check out these aesthetically cool cafes is due to all those ‘Instagram worthy’ food pictures that I see on my feed. I also thought it was pretty cool how the place had a huge hashtag symbol inside fitting in well with the cafe’s name.

But for me though, I more saw it a symbol for modernism in the sense that a lot of things on social media are particularly led by hashtags. It was sort of like a symbol to tag the place when you go there. Anyone who uses that hashtag would be led to pictures of food and the interior designs of this particular place, of course leading to customer motivated promotion. I mean, the only way that I pushed myself to go check this place out was because of all the pictures I saw on social media, thus urging to discover whether the place and the food are as good as it looks in the picture.

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