May 27th 2016 archive

Raath Rebellion’s Leader Finally Speaks

Our group had decided to use video logs, audio logs as one of our platforms to deliver the game’s backstory, instructions, rules etc., so we had arranged a meeting on last Friday to record some footages and audio for the project. We first went to our usual classroom for Story Lab in Building 13 but both rooms were used for other subjects. In the end, we went to Building 9 and found an empty room. But since we were told that there are students coming in at 12.30, we were left with only an hour to get everything done.$portraitbacklight500

We wanted the Leader’s face not to be shown on the screen, giving off a sense of being a mysterious character, but also not a pitch black video which you can’t even tell if there’s anyone there, so I had Farina and Wei Yun to off the classroom’s main light and hold the phone’s torchlights behind Steven’s head and shoulder. This will create the glowing effect (as seen in the picture on the left) as the lights will only outline the shape of Steven’s head and shoulder (some lighting setup I had learned in Advanced Diploma).

We struggled a little bit for the first take as the effects did not come out well according to the way we wanted due to the lack of lightings. The effects would be so much clearer, cooler and more professional if we had a proper light to film with. Since that was not our main focus considering the whole project and also the lack of time for filming, we decided to go on with what we had and went for a second try. On the second take, I exchanged with Farina to be the grip from the cameraman and it turned out well despite the poor lighting.