55101184Collaboration. When people work together to achieve a common goal. I am very familiar with collaboration through sport. I’ve been playing netball for 13 years and as everyone knows, netball is a team sport. Being a Goal Shooter I know all too well the importance of teamwork, as I rely on my 6 teammates on court to bring the ball down to me and they rely on me putting it through the hoop. That’s how it’s always worked. I do my part, they each do theirs and Bob’s your uncle. If only it were that simple on the Netball court.

Collaborative work to me is like playing in a netball team. We help each other out along the way, communicate, cooperate and each try to achieve our own goals so as to achieve the common goal overall.

Teams have ups and downs but the main thing is that no one person is at fault, you take responsibility for both successes and failures. I’m excited to start our group assignment because I will have 3 others to help motivate me through the work, give me more ideas and achieve our common goal together.