In life I think its safe to say they choices you make lead you to wherever you end up. Any person who has lived a full life, has to have been either successful or not, but the factor that determines their success would be the choices they made to achieve it, sometimes life provides people with an opportunity and they have to make the decision to peruse that or not, and if they choose the latter, they could have possibly missed out on something big or just avoided something horrible. Now that’s just looking at the idea in a very broad sense as people tend look at themselves and other based on the big decisions they make in life. However I believe that smallest of choices can affect the biggest outcome of our lives, because I believe the choices we make especially in the early stages of our lives define who we are.
To elaborate on my point I will give an example from my own experience. During this period of uni, I have a few more weeks left and a bunch of assignments to finish, so friend of mine and I are working on assignment together, we agreed to meet after our morning class for an hour, because I had a lecture to get to, and I told him I would come back afterwards for another hour. Now after the lecture another friend of mine and I usually have lunch together, and he asked me if I wanted hang out as usual, now I could have said yes, and left my teammate alone working on our project. Now I didn’t do that but to be honest part of me wanted to because I was so hungry, but I went to help, but if I didn’t what would the outcome have been?
Firstly I would have had a friend mad at me for not helping out since we are working on project that is meant to be a collaboration, and without my contribution I wouldn’t have gotten any marks, but the positive in this case would have that I would have eaten one good meal, which really isn’t worth compared to what I would get if I worked on my assignment instead.
It’s a small choice, but it would affect the outcome of my day. It would have gone from being a good productive day for me, to being just another ordinary day with precious time wasted. Now its hard to say how this one choice would affect my life in the long term and as definition of my character. That would all be dependent on number of other factors, like for example, if I was to repeat this again. I did this once but now in the future I have the choice to repeat it over and over again, now if I where to do that, I am bound to be a person who just doesn’t care about my work and considerate of other people.
Its interesting to look at the amount of choices we are presented with on a daily basis, some big some small, but all contribute to a web of possibilities were anything could happen when take one step, but then you always wonder what it could have been.