Green Media – Sketch #6

Sketch #6 – A Day in the Life
When planning for this week’s sketch, we knew we wanted to incorporate somewhat of a step-by-step guide to making more sustainable choices in your everyday life. Though we’d initially planned to create a podcast style audio piece that simply included ’10 steps’, we ended up switching out our idea to what became the final product – ‘a day in the life’.


Ultimately, I think this is far more impactful. Listeners are able to get a sense of how easy it is to make little changes in their every day lives that could have a larger impact on the environment. This audio piece could act as the little voice in the back of your head the next time you’re completing daily tasks, such as brushing your teeth or cleaning up after a meal. Switching off the tap when brushing your teeth could save almost 4 thousand litres of water every year, and at the moment Australia is throwing away approximately 2.5m tonnes of food each year. These have huge impacts on the environment, so it’s extremely important to bring these issues to light. In this sense, I think the idea is really effective.

If this idea had a bit more work, I think the production would need to be revised – perhaps adding more audio to create an entire soundscape, rather than just using sound effects as emphasis. At the moment, it doesn’t quite feel like it falls in to the category of ‘podcast’ as we initially had intended. I also think it would be beneficial to add some addition resources at the end of the clip. We wanted to keep the piece light hearted, which is why there isn’t an inclusion of hard facts. However, if there were a link to these facts, it would only have a greater impact.

Green Media – Sketch #5

Sketch #5 – Interviews
Making media collaboratively has proven to be quite interesting and somewhat difficult given the current climate – things require a bit more time, planning and effort. However, we wanted to make use of the situation to conduct interviews and create a short film showcasing how Covid-19 has impacted our friends and family day-to-day lives.

Initially our plan was to ask questions around the positive impacts this pandemic has had on the world in terms of climate change. At the advice of Alan, however, we chose not to be explicit in our motives and decided to ask fairly open-ended questions to our participants to see which direction they would take the conversation.

Interestingly, only a few people actually spoke about the environment at all – most answers centred around personal and community impacts, such as job loss and local issues. If we were to continue with this idea in the future, I think it would be extremely interested to conduct similar interviews with more explicitly environmental questions and compare the answers. Further, it might be worth conducting interviews on the same platform for each person to create more visual cohesion – our final product looks quite messy as the set-up changes from person to person.

Overall, I really like our idea and think it would definitely be something to explore further – especially since we are likely to be in this situation for the foreseeable future. It would be interesting to see whether people’s answers change the longer we are in this situation.