Ready Camera One – A4 Blog Post 5

We have officially wrapped up ‘The Charlie Show’! It was a bittersweet feeling that we had completed both episodes and that was our semester done, but we are excited to present our work of art to the audience. With our show leaning towards comedic approaches mixed with dramatic soap-opera dynamics, ‘The Charlie Show’ is a show not to be missed as it’ll get you entertained. I hope that the audiences will get hooked and entertained by the storylines that play out, such as the big scandal, and hoping they will want to tune into the next episode. Furthermore, I also hope that they understand and see how passionate and hardworking we were in creating the show. Finally, I hope that they know that we are students and progressively learning along the way; though it might not be smooth and perfect, we hope they’ll appreciate the effort we have put into this project.

If we were going to continue and develop ‘The Charlie Show’, our main thing to improve is the technical aspects of the show. We noticed that we still need work with throwing the EVS, and operating the sound and graphics. Practising communication of when to throw the EVS and coincide with the audio will be a task that we should try. Another thing is also to practice operating the GFX due to miscues or wrong graphics; improving and then eventually using moving graphics would be something that we can consider using in the future. Furthermore, we could also aim bigger and create more extensive and visually stunning sets, more engaging and comedic segments, and incorporate using multiple studios to produce the show. Moreover, with all these improvements considered and continuing to create entertaining storylines, we’ll be sure of making the audience come back for more.

When talking about collaboration, I wasn’t always a big fan of working with people. In the beginning, I didn’t think collaboration was important, but as we started with multi-cam production, I was utterly wrong. Being used to editing in post, I felt that the software on my laptop was enough to create everything I needed. However, in multi-cam production, it is impossible for you to do all the work alone. I appreciated how well everyone worked and communicated together throughout the whole semester. Without collaboration, I felt that the production of our shows wouldn’t have turned out as a success as it did here. In addition, it was also nice to see how everyone was able to help one another if we lacked the skills in our role.

Furthermore, our discussions about media making throughout the semester definitely affected us in a good way. We gradually improved our skills and understanding of media-making, such as reviewing the media before finalising, confirming if everyone is on the same page and if we needed to improve the audio, lighting etc. With gaining all this knowledge and skill, I can confidently say that I walked out of this studio knowing how to plan and produce a live multi-cam production. By working in many roles throughout the productions, it has given me the ability to be versatile in the work field if I have the opportunity to work in multi-cam production as a job. All in all, I had such a fantastic time working with everyone in this studio and further expanded my confidence and ability in media making for the future.


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