As a group we had presentations, were we had to pitch our vision and show what our test footage had come up with and where we are aiming to go given all that we have learnt about the process. One thing I was pleased about, was that we all seem to be on the same page in terms of quality: we want to produce something great, (at least better than the test footage) and we all know why we didn’t achieve that. Although perhaps in the presentations we focused too much on the negative aspects of the processes we had just experienced, there’s alot we have learned about how we should work together, and what things we can all do to ensure that we don’t make the same mistakes: being organised, preparing storyboards, sourcing talent from outside the crew, sticking to our allocated crew roles, establishing a production hierarchy.  The panel agreed alot of what we said, we probably did 90% of the critiquing, although they pointed out that we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves, because we really have learned alot and know that we really have to work to get the results that we want. The other main thing we have to work on is communication, making sure we are reporting  to the production manager and ticking off all tasks in the pre-production process, as well as communicating with each other so we don’t assume that ‘someone else will do it’