Future Machina W10

I am a little behind on these blogposts – fortunately I go on a tangent often in my notes, so let me delve into the last few weeks.

After reading the Unlocking Technology for the Global Goals reading I was definitely inspired in my choices for the assignment. I recently watched the Hunger Games, so I have drawn some inspiration from their propaganda video in the first movie. (Right here: http://youtube.com/watch?v=tl9aqZk4kFU) It’s not really the tone I like about it but more the very ‘positive’ outlook when the reality is clearly so far from positive. I definitely am inspired by the narration, and the mix  of shots, so I want to try something like this in my own piece. Additionally, the idea of a ‘smart village’, with a uniformed look, and food to match one’s nutritional needs, is something I liked from The Hunger Games books. That being a dystopian story shows these elements in a more negative way, as a means of survival, but I think they could be intertwined in our daily lives for the better.

District 13 Layouts ~ Dining Hall (With images) | Hunger games ...

(Image taken from Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/320811173434078281/)

In terms of the technology for the assignment, I definitely want to look into how it can save us as a population, rather than destroy us. I feel like I have already looked into this in my previous assignments for the studio, and I feel like I have too many ideas on what I could show for this piece to make it negative. As a retail worker myself I see the masses of plastic wasted every day in just one store – I often think about what this is like for just the one shopping center every day, let alone in one city, country, or the whole world all together. This is why I think it is important topic to tackle.

I also want to include a lot of clean-looking nature shots, to symbolise this ‘pure’ and waste-free earth (of the future). I am finding some really good examples of technologies helping us in this direction, such as creating clothing out of plants, and the dye that is used, too. Some of the feedback I have been getting on this idea is to ensure that it is for sure technology based, which I definitely need to keep in mind. That being said, it is maybe hard to consider plant-based technologies as necessarily all to do with technology like an AI is – but I think that’s what makes this a fun challenge. It also does shed light onto these lesser-known advancements in the various industries involved.



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