Future Machina W3

This week was all about AI. In a current day sense, what has stood out to me is that voice assistants such as Alexa or Siri are eavesdropping into our lives more than we might think. In the Privacy Attitudes of Smart Speaker Users reading it was shown that half of the study participants did even know that were always being listened to, and all of this information was being stored. I can think back to when these sort of technologies were being introduced, and not buying into it because I was skeptical of this fact. To find out that this is a genuine phenomenon was personally surprising, so no wonder it is not widely known. In the article, Alexa Are You Invading My Privacy? It is stated that the conversations ‘overheard’ by these voice assistants are considered legal evidence and can be used in court cases introduces a whole can of worms that perhaps most people do not want to buy themselves into. I somewhat looked into this in my assignment 1. One of my technologies was  a voice assistant. I explored potential consequences of this in terms of how it might fail and how that can destroy aspects of someone’s job and life were they to be completely dependent on the technology.

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