Week 9 Lecture

I couldn’t go to this week’s lecture unfortunately. The worst.
My good friend Lucas sent me the notes however and they went a little something like this:


term from sociology

concern with organising structures of society social, cultural, political, economic reasons Principles, values, rules that underly these Marriage as a social institution

Expectations, values (monogamy) Legal frame work/regulatory Institutional frames Rituals (Symbolic) Widely accepted practise Culture ‘rules’ Values (Monogamy) Commercial industry Community/social recognition Media institutions

ABC the news journalsim News corp cinema broadcast television community radio public service broadcasting RRR

Are enduring regulate and structure activities are collectivist develop working practises employees and people associated are expected to share vales Public is aware of status Cash for comments:

The difference between current affairs and entertainment

Media watch: Breach of trust between audiences and institutions


Brainstorm:Institutional characteristics of the following

facebook Newscorp Google community

Core values

relationship to audience

what is their status

how are their activities professionalized

how are they more than business

what forms of regulations constrain their activities in what sense are they conduits for flows of power

what other instiutuions are they related to? Engaged/aligned with?


Make of that what you will hahah


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