How did you author (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?

I used the 12 megapixel camera at the back of my iPhone 6s. I captured the video using the default camera app, as I was taking multiple video over a short amount of time, and the mechanics of the Instagram app don’t provide the user with the affordance of taking multiple videos at once. Taking videos on the Instagram app require that the user must publish or delete each video before being able to take another one. The procedure which involves that the user can go through to take multiple videos illustrates the incentives the mechanics of the Instagram app creates for the user to publish and distribute their videos immediately.

Once I had taken the video, I went to the album on my iPhone. I chose the video that I liked the most. I did not use any edit app. After I went on the Instagram app, to my album and picked the video. I ended up edit the length of the video and choose a filter so the lightning looked nicer.


How did you publish (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?

I recorded multiple videos before choosing one. The video showed the door of a washing machine. The washing machine was just a random one on a public laundry that I used to clean my clothes. I captioned the video “Best feeling when the door opens”, as I love the clean feeling I get after washing clothes. The reason why I hashtagged #cleaning, #weekend and #ontopoftheworld and some clothes emojis was because I wanted to be a bit ironic and funny. I added the location because there is a bigger chance that other people see it if I do so.


How did you distribute (the photo or video) you published on Instagram to other social media services?

I also distributed the video on Pinterest.


Link to the Instagram post.