Saturday Week,9 Reflection

Nobody had answered the crew call for our second shoot. With only 3 out of 4 of our members, it meant we all had a lot of work to do and a lot of roles to cover. Compared to last weeks shoot however, I felt much more comfortable with the equipment and the process. I took on the role of 1st AD. I had a small grasp on the concept of the responsibilities that came with the role, though I’m not sure I carried them out as well as I could have. To undertake the role a little better perhaps it might have been best for me to discuss with Alaine how long each shot should take and use that as a guideline to keep the group on something close to a schedule. The interruptions by passers by and our lack of knowledge of the new equipment did influence the difficulty of keeping time a little, as we had to allow some time to familiarise ourselves with equipment as well as organise the props we needed. Despite the interruptions we were able to get through the shoot on time, recording audio after filming to compensate for the time that would have otherwise been lost because of the interruptions. The second part of the film went by much faster. Overall I believe it was a successful shoot. We were able to get every shot we needed for the scenes.

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