Moving Forward

Today we presented our script on informing people how to navigate the film festival circuit. We explained we’d be using camp to push what an important role programming plays in attracting the intended audience, however we were
given the feedback that it was important that our research didn’t get lost in all of our camp. To allow the research to flow through more clearly we’ve devised some questions to ask a range of people as to why they attend film festivals to really bring together and define our scripts. On the weekend we’re  working on conducting interviews and finalising scripts. We are on track and have set goals to record everything by Tuesday. I am happy with how things are progressing and look forward to seeing how our script will translate to film or broadcast.

The questions we have decided to focus on are:

Why would you go to the film festival? 

How did you hear about any of these film festivals? 

Out of these three  film festivals which would you be most interested in going to? Why? 

Are you interested in learning anything from attending this festival? 

From this program which movies or events would you attend?

By showing a range of people the programs, along with the questions I think it would really help us grasp what techniques draw people towards the festivals. 


BrainStorming Artefacts

In todays tutorial we were able to get together and share our research.  For my articles I found that the programming of LBGT festivals to be a interesting because it showed how the organisation of the festivals could inform and define the collective “we” within in the audience. The article which can be found here  also includes missions statements an information about the film festivals, which is not only informative but provides us with an idea of how to start our research. Georgina also suggested how it was interesting to see if film festivals should be seen as a business or  something for the community which I feel also fits when looking at programming.

When braining storming for our artefact, Emily suggested doing a snappy news reel, that talks current film festivals about how programming is being used to capture each audience. We continued our brain storming coming up with ideas such as; podcasts of interviews, vlogs of our film festival experiences, a feature article, a program of the festival involving the same tongue and cheek tactics involved in the news reel.  We also considered establishing a hashtag on twitter where people can share there experience attending certain festivals exploring why they went and how they enjoyed it.

Overall we all really enjoyed the news reel idea and have decided to pursue it by Tuesday next week we are all expected to come up with a script and ideas surrounding a film festivals program and how their trying to capture audiences.

A Process

“Quick hands up, who’s never used a camera.”

I am the only one with my arm in the air. I try not to be embarrassed remind myself that I am learning. It’s a mantra a lot of us seem to have especially when it came to presenting our work today; I am learning.

After viewing everyone’s self portraits I am inspired and intimidated (this is a part of learning). I now am aware of new things I want to improve on going into project three. A few things I’ve noted down are:

– sound and sound editing
– narrative and structure
– avoiding cliques
– improving on footage used in terms of quality and relevance
– learning when to cut back

Tutorial One

Introductions are always tricky. I found myself telling people things that are very impersonal.

“I have a dog”
“This is my first year of media”

Obviously everyone already knew that but I am anxious when it comes to talking about my self. I always worry about over sharing and becoming branded as that unfortunate piece of information that I let slip out. So I tend to keep it simple; name, contextual major, movie. This is the formula that works for me as I tackle introduction after introduction.

Upon reading that my first assignment would be a “self portraits” I was nervous, but relaxed as soon as I we were given the okay to be as abstract and playful as we could possibly be with out pictures and clips. I am still worried about over sharing but I think it’s better to do it in a way where you can explain in your blog later.

Some ideas I am starting to have in regrades to what I can capture as part of my self portrait:

  • photo showing a gift vs something I was buy for myself
  • conversation snippets between me and friends
  • recording of favourite sounds
  • pictures of book shelf / shows how I organise and what I read/store there
  • videos of places I walk pass everyday
  • recording of my favourite movie scenes
  • recording of me reading a book quote I like
  • video showing how I move around uni/certain areas
  • photo showing whats on my walls

Also we were shown this website which I found to be quiet interesting and hopefully helps with further inspiration in this assignment.