I can admit that I am part of fandoms, though I will not specify which ones. I am not specifying because I am aware of the negativity they are given. However, I shouldn’t have shame in my interests. Despite joining these fandoms early in my teens, I still admit to myself that I am part of these communities. In a small part of the back of my mind, I have a belief that “fandoms” are immature just because of the way people who are outsiders react to them.

Even though all I do is provide love and support, there is always going to be an embarrassment admitting my fandom contribution, and this will always frustrate me. I am part of fandoms that are mostly made up of female youth, in which female youth are often disrespected. I want to love to express my love, but the way society treats the fandoms I’m in as though we are obsessive and insane really makes it hard to do so.