As I scroll through my Instagram and my Facebook, my mind kept going back to the article Why Do Youth Share So Publicly? by Danah Boyd. Being a young adult, a millennial, almost all the people I’m friends with and follow are around my age.

They various ways people represent themselves online interested me very much. You have those who have photo albums where they post an abundance of pictures of their day/week; you have those “like for an inbox” friends; those who don’t barely represent themselves online, and those who frankly – pardon my French – don’t give a shit and post the whackest, funniest things.

I think why youth portray themselves online so publicly is because it is a way for them to portray, and maybe even manipulate, the type of person they are in person. Whether this is good or bad, I’m not quite sure, but it is something that is only going to rapidly increase.