When I first saw that Room with a View was an option for a studio visit I was immediately intrigued. Radio was never really an option I thought when researching and entering this course, and as I already study cinema I decided to go with this studio visit as it contrasts against what I’ve been studying so far in this media program.

There was only one more media one student who came to the studio visit, but as we were there to purely listen and take in what the students were doing, it was completely fine. The teacher for the workshop told us that the students are separated into groups, in which they have all made demos of a radio segment in preparation to going on air at Triple R in the upcoming weeks.

The first group (out of the two that presented today) that pitched had both pre recorded and a live interviews in their demo. This coincidentally all tied in well with the interview theme of media one last week, so it was very interesting to hear about it in a radio context. This group I found very great because they were able to get an interview with the band Violent Soho which is so, so cool. After they had presented, they were giving feedback in which I wrote down, as this advice will help me with my next media one assessment. Such feedback included:

  • Avoid being dotpoint-y
  • Avoid saying “amazing” and similar verbs, as the viewer gets to decide whether it’s amazing or not
  • Have things cued up ( in my case, questions) for if something where to go wrong.

The next group weren’t as content induced, with them admitting they had “no content at all”, so there wasn’t too much to gain from their pitch. After they presented I decided to leave as all the groups then began to do their own thing, and I didn’t want to disturb them.

After this visit, radio is definitely an area I am now more than willing to try out. The technology aspect of it all does freak me out a little bit, but is also the most luring. I don’t think I could ever radio present as I hate my voice too much, and my stutter doesn’t help that situation.