Sound I love and I hate

In today’s lecture, we were asked “what are some sounds you love or hate? What memories do they evoke?” Personally, I never really think about this question before. There are so many sounds around me but what are the sounds I like and I hate. I thought about this for 10 minutes and I got my answers as following:

Sounds I love:

  • Rain sound
  • Birds
  • Food frying
  • Flipping pages
  • People laughing

I don’t truly understand why I love about these sounds but they make me really happy when I heard. Especially rain sound, I love staying at home whole day and just reading books with rain sound in the background.

Sounds I hate:

  • Nails on a chalkboard – I think it is the worst noise for most of people.
  • Alarm on my IPhone – I set alarm for the school days, so every time I heard the alarm sound, it means I need to wake up early to school.
  • Snoring sound – I’m the kind of person who really can’t sleep easily, especially with people who snoring beside.
  • Tire screech sound – I had a bad memory of car accident before, so the sound of car screeching make me really uncomfortable.
  • Vacuum cleaner noise – I have a roommate who is a neat freak. Hence, the vacuum cleaner noise does occur every hour in my house.

It is interesting to think about this question. Sounds can evoke our memories and as well influence our emotion. Each sound that I describe, I could hear it in my brain even though it does not exist.