Ladies who blog throughout Week 9

I just realised i’ve been severely lacking in posts regarding my peers work however I do check theirs a lot to see where they’re at and I love hearing how everyone interprets what we learn differently. I thought i’d recap on a selection of posts from these guuuurls from Week 9 posts.Neeve created an excellent and very extensive post about the symposium which I take she enjoyed just as much as I did. I really liked the focus she made on Adrian’s points, as I had steered my own Symposium post towards what Elliot had said, very nice Neevey. Alex had a nice and clear post about one of our main readings for Week 9, to do with the 80/20 rule which I felt supported exactly what I understood from the reading (always good to know you’re on the right track!). Lastly, Rachel’s anecdote at the beginning of her own symposium was most enjoyable to read. As I said, it’s lovely to hear how people relate what we learn to their own stories and experiences.

Lovin’ your work lasses.

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