Blog Post #1- Blogging

As an owner of several different Social Media platforms, it’s quite interesting to think about what it is about each one that invites me to use the platform and how each plays a significant part in representing a part of my personality. I have never been interested in blogging my life. However then I think to myself, I’m pretty much blogging quite regularly in my daily life, when I’m engaging in Social Media, such as posting Facebook updates about what’s playing on my mind or opinions I hold regarding certain issues, sharing photos to Instagram of cool things I have recently been up to, as well as updating my Snapchat story.

“The use of blogs can explore questions about online identity”.

In the first weeks reading we focused on “Blogs In Education”, by Adrian Miles, he explores the questions about online identity,  With the use of social media and blogging about themselves and their lifestyles, they are creating an online Persona which they create, control and modify as we mature and develop this persona does change. We as individuals are able to control it depending on the audience we are targeting. It’s quite interesting how the content we share differs depending on the platform we are using. In the reading Adrian describes the similarity between blogging and engaging in social media as we write in a certain way to engage our viewers as we know they will be reading our posts , just like we post blog content.

Image result for snapchat vs instagram memes

Instagram is the platform where all photos uploaded must be flawless and requires countless amount of opinions on which photo is best to upload before it can get the… “Okay, so it is Instagram worthy yet?” Whereas the Facebook content I upload is restricted as it must be PG and be suitable, as family are constantly stalking and seeking to keep updated with my life occurrences. My Snap chat is used for a different purpose and for me is a platform for the use of funny abnormal filter features which I only send to close friends. My Instagram use differs quite significantly as it’s where I attempt to post the best visual content I possibly can, ensuring I maintain and update it quite regularly, as well as being aesthetically pleasing and fit into the theme of my page. Most importantly it’s ensuring my online persona represents the best version of me, even if that means slightly altering my reality, at the end of the day it’s all about the likes and being able to maintain and interest my follower base.

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Miles, Adrian. “Blogs in Media Education: A Beginning.” Australian Screen Ed 41 (2006): 66–9. Print.

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