Unlecture No. 3

This is likely to become a rant instead of the usual posts…

Frankly, I have just about reached my limit of hearing complaints about the subject. A majority of the unlecture was spent by Adrian addressing the “statement posed as a question” regarding the uselessness of the unlectures. Considering that these forums are supposedly propelled by the content on our blog posts, I can only begin to imagine the negativity on the blogs of my peers. I don’t really understand how people continue to question and be confused by the structure (or lack thereof) of the subject. My initial interpretation of the forum was to open up the readings to the space, not the consistent, insecure defense of the subject’s importance.

Although Elliot and Jasmine were able to share their take-away on the readings, it was pushed back to the last 10 minutes of the unlecture. I suppose it may be a case of double-loop learning in re-tackling the issues we faced two weeks ago, during the introduction process. But this isn’t double…more like fourth loop including the weekly tutorials.

This would officially be the first time I opposed the forum. I do hope we can all move on next week, far away from the usual wingeing of my fellow classmates.