Lectorial #4

Interesting and informative I must say. We had some sort of an editing game in lectorial week 4 the other day. What basically we need to do in a group of 3 or 3 is to create a narrative by using only 5 cards. The tricky and interesting part is when we need to narrate using 5 cards at first. then add a ‘turning point’ by replacing a cards to either cards number 2,3, or 4 and each one of it are moveable. And lastly, we need to create another introduction and conclusion.



My personal opinion is, most of the editor are the creative ones. I mean, I seriously had some trouble when we asked to add the ‘turning point’ cards. It just a simple plots, but as an editor who edit thousand of artworks, they really need to be creative and critically thinking as they need to think what the readers or audiences think about when they read or see certain artworks.

So yeah, credits to all the creative thinker out there!

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