Deep Vs Hyper Attention

Based on the text we were given, I can conclude that deep attention is when someone only able to concentrate on a single things they do, for example reading a book without any interference and be able to stay there for quite some long times. He or she is able to ignore all outside interference and prefer to be focus on one single major project he or she is working on.

Meanwhile hyper attention is basically characterized by the ability to switch focus rapidly. The easiest example I can give is when you are play a video games while be able to talk with your friends at the same time. These type of people usually are multitasking, means they can do two or three works at the same period of time.

From what I have observed within myself, I am practically more into deep attention person. I found it is hard for me to get my works or assignments done when there are someone around. I need to stay focus within one work and when I got the jobs done, then only I can switch to any other tasks.

So, where do you fall in? Deep or hyper?

Look within and figure it yourself.


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