Blog #12: A change in theme.

Whilst, still being in the midst of brainstorming what we can do to the initial ’emotion’ topic or theme that my group and I will most tolerate with, I found that this week the way we function and produce ideas as a group quite fascinating and different. As a group, we developed a very large-scale of various ideas or prompts but, we are more eager to actually finish off the production side of things. The eagerness to quickly jump to production eventually, made us lost in a sea of our own ideas.

After a valuable consultation with Hannah to get Sem, Samantha, Meita and I on the right track, we found that our initial idea was too broad of a theme. This is because the way we wanted to project ’emotion’ was largely constructed within a multiple of other themes such as isolation, happiness, excitement, loneliness, etc. and this simply became vague, to a point that it might just be pointless and confusing. Hannah suggested to then determine one single theme within ’emotion’ we might focus on and pull out inspirations that are most appealing from the Korsakow projects presented previously.

Starting off from the beginning, we then did what we were told with a more open mind. Which leads to, remembering last week’s showcasing of Korsakow projects. Honestly, I was not too completely fond of some of these projects as it was too complicated to analyse. But, I started to look through it again and funnily, found a huge inspiration, from this one project I remember the whole class did not understand nor identify with most last week called, The Whole Picture by Tony Nelson.

The project, from what I understand after resetting multiple times, simply was: A complex jumble of fragments in a form of compilations accompanied with statements and/or phrases. Some of these phrases were almost poetic (to me, at least).

Besides that, The Whole Picture displayed a randomised compilation of videos that are collated together to exhibit these interesting occurrences in the daily life of who I assume filmed this project, Tony Nelson. Whilst also, indirectly interact with us (as viewers/”users”) in questioning what each media fragment means. Thus, creating our own ‘perspective’ or narrative to make sense of the project in our respective way.

I brought this project to my group’s discussion this week and explained that we can purely make the interaction of our project inspired by it – in an indirect manner. After agreeing that this project was actually more interactive than we think, my group finally put our foot down in a slightly darker theme: Isolation.

Sem had an idea to utilise traditional film method of filmmaking or producing a 35mm film look as a possible area of exploration in media production we might execute. We also planned to film 3-4 different types of media which are: 4 videos, 4 timelapse, 2 stop-motion and 2 slow-motion. All of which will approximately be 30 seconds each.

In relation to, Korsakow production, my group and I also thought of an idea of displaying experimental videos that have no narration and are modular under our theme. Thus, encourages users to interact with the media fragments/themes based on what they are shown, instead of what they are told through narration.

After this shift to a more specific theme, a more vivid comprehension of what it might look like on Korsakow, we finally had a clearer idea of where our project is directed towards. Thus, ready to start production.

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