
Shooting with MarzΒ 



Shoot Day

Today we shot our second and final interview with Marz. This interview seemed to have an entirely different tone, and Marz was far more forthcoming than Elizabeth, and we did not have to push her as much for further information about things she brought up. This interview seems less personal, as we discussed broader topics of gender bias, with some personal stories accompanying. I believe this will turn into a great companion for Elizabeth’s interview.

Alice, Bradley, Zitni and myself (Izzie couldn’t make it) all met up early to check all camera settings, equipment and to go over questions. This was a good idea as Marz had to push the interview back a few hours, and so we all had a lovely lunch while we waited. Although we still had camera issues setting the white balance on Zitni’s camera, which we didn’t manage to remedy before we had to start shooting, this was easily managed in post – I checked in premiere, as the footage could be matched fairly well despite being recorded at very different white balance.

We maintained the same roles from the first shoot, and successfully recorded a great interview. This time around Bradley captured more atmos sound which will be very helpful in the edit, and Zitni recorded some beautiful b-roll while we were recording the interview.

After the interview had concluded, we went outside to shoot some footage of Marz in a car, first attaching a go-pro to the hood of the car, and then jumping inside to record some footage of the car’s interior. We also mounted the go-pro to the car’s window to shoot the rolling streetscape, however the red blinking light of the camera reflected in the window making all of these otherwise beautiful shots unusable, this is good to remember for in future this would could easily be covered up. After shooting in the car, we jumped out, and I took a few more shots of Marz driving through the streets from outside the car. Following this, we went back inside, and I took some more b-roll while we packed up and Marz gifted us all plants(!).

Another successful interview!

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