Planning for final reflection!

Planning for the final blog post – the final summation.

– The contention for the entire post will be to reflect upon each task that I have undertaken and explain WHY I chose to do those tasks, HOW I went about doing them, WHAT did I get out of it/what did I learn, and WHERE do I find myself as a filmmaker at this given time.

– For the introduction, I must introduce key points about all elements of this reflective post, as if it where an essay. I must already communicate key elements of my studies that I would like to talk about.

– For the WHY section, I need to talk about how I sought an understanding of my own methods, and how I can evolve on such methods through a practical and technical study during this course

– For the HOW section, I need to be very descriptive and describe EVERYTHING that I did, to demonstrate an extensive undertaking of work and growth as a filmmaker

– For the WHAT section, this is where I need to reflect upon how I have changed or gown. Pick specific moments of epiphanies or changes in my practices that will demonstrate this.

– For the WHERE section, I need to explain how I am different or changed in my ways of filmmaking as opposed to how I was before, and what I intend to do further, given the education received from my studies of self practice.

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