© 2014 Alexandra Race-Lyons

Turning back the clock.

IMG_1075Can you guess where i am?
Well not actually my nan, my boyfriends nan (cute) down in little Point Lonsdale. We just got onto the topic of technology and how when nan worked as a nurse, everything was hand written because computers hadn’t become installed into the system yet. Meaning that everyday the staff would all meet an hour earlier to go through patients notes and everything that would now be accessible at the click of a button.
I asked her, ‘does this make you frustrated/angry that you did all of that work and now it’s right beneath our fingertips?’
She replied, ‘I left before they introduced the computers and to be honest, learning to use the software would have put me out of business for days, i didn’t want a thing to do with them and still am put off by them’. So, why is it that so many people of the older generation who where in industries before technology was involved, refuse to accept technology’s permanent place in society?
Another example is my grandparents, my grandpa refuses to have a mobile phone, use the desktop computer they have and complains to the TV that it isn’t right. Is it because they grew up learning how to make a life without technology to do it for them? and once they had spent a lifetime learning, ready to teach the next upcoming generation, technology arose and made their time learning seem like a waste.
This is only my interpretation. Another idea that i find hard to wrap around my head is the fact that nans mum never touched or had anything to do with a computer, when people of my current generation are struggling to not touch computers for the 40 hour famine. Actually, it almost seems impossible for myself or anyone of my generation to not have touched a computer, we would only be disadvantaging ourselves as it is no longer just a toy, it is pretty much a way of life.

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