Directed by Nadia Harari

‘Rebel’ is a short experimental documentary which provides insight to what it is like to be a climate activist. Through exploring various interviews with youth who are involved in Extinction Rebellion Youth (XRY), this film showcases the mental toll that activism can take, as well as the effort that goes into  organising demonstrations and the motivation that keeps these individuals inspired.

The process of creating this film involved me going to a handful of XRY meetings and events, as well as participating in a 16mm filming and developing workshop for the footage. As I was interested in joining XRY and knew someone in it, filming these interviews felt more like comfortable conversations as I personally got to know different people and as I became more involved within the movement, outside of making this documentary.

While making this film, I proved to myself that self-doubt is my biggest challenge. By being the person that made it go from a small dot point of an idea into a five minute film, it pushed me to realise that I can actually do it. It also inspired me to think of other short documentaries I could make using the knowledge and skills that I learnt this semester. This film is something I’m extremely proud of, and makes me excited for the future as my skills continue to grow within documentary filmmaking.

rmitmediastudent • May 30, 2021

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