Wicked Problems

Video and quote from Wicked Problems, A Problem worth Solving. by Jon Kolko What is the relevance of ‘Wicked Problems’ to this studio? in relation to social justice? social services? the not-for-profit sector? civic engagement? …issues associated with migration and poverty…?

A wicked problem is a social or cultural problem that is difficult or impossible to solve for as many as four reasons: incomplete or contradictory knowledge, the number of people and opinions involved, the large economic burden, and the interconnected nature of these problems with other problems. Poverty is linked with education, nutrition with poverty, the economy with nutrition, and so on. These problems are typically offloaded to policy makers, or are written off as being too cumbersome to handle en masse. Yet these are the problems—poverty, sustainability, equality, and health and wellness—that plague our cities and our world and that touch each and every one of us. These problems can be mitigated through the process of design, which is an intellectual approach that emphasizes empathy, abductive reasoning, and rapid prototyping.

– See more at: https://www.wickedproblems.com/1_wicked_problems.php#sthash.UmjSdcLv.dpuf

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