Unstudio Redux

Thomas’s notes on the unstudio, I like the honesty that the direction appears to be breaking, it’s something we’re trying to resolve by bringing the making much more into what we are doing and sharing that (which is why this week we spent time responding and providing views of each others work). While another response might be to take control more, developing ways to know how to comment on other’s work will be very important in your careers. Also beginning to comment on someone else’s work can help you learn how to think in more detailed ways about your own. However, this by itself won’t restore the direction, and I’ve got some ideas about that for Friday’s studio.

Carl too has comments on the unstudio. I am struck by the way there is a small core who seem to constitute the studio intellectually, culturally, and socially. The ambition in all the studios is for this to be the experience (quite apart from the content), and while the content might be murky at the moment from my view outside looking in those who are this core are all achieving a lot.