Notes from the Side

Isabelle has her three bits of exciting Frankham (Bettina’s a friend of mine, wait till I show her these…) Luke has his. Isabelle has a good potted summary of today, particularly like the observation that we’re making contemporary bestiaries, and that they can be like incantations. Incantation is a simple way to shift attention from content to thing, like saying the same word repeatedly. That is the first next step in what we’re up to here. Why? Well one possible answer is that to make the materiality of what we do visible we need to find ways of making media that don’t default to what it is about (the representational content) but instead draws our attention to other things.

For example, how do I make a film that is about the zoom, when everyone uses the zoom as a way to draw attention to what is being zoomed upon (the representational content)? I make Wavelength, a 42 minute continuous film where, because of its ‘incantation of the zoom’ becomes about the zoom itself.