12 May
Institutions is a fiddly term. It can define an organisation or company, group of companies, collective industries and myriad of other things. To be honest, I do not really know where the line is drawn. Oh well, either way, this week’s focus is in institutions. Concerned with organising the structures of society, institutions have principles, values that underline social, cultural, political and economic relations.
ABC, HBO, NBC, CNN, FOX, SBS, HOMO… “These are a few of my favourite things.”
Television is love. Television is life. Publicity of television institutions in particular has grown exponentially in recent years – with the broadcast of world-renowned Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad. What is is about television institutions that excite us? Yes, the story worlds and narratives of the shows. But there are other aspects drawing us in: promotion and marketing, hottest celebs and, most compelling, authorial valuation. I have thought for some time now that the relationship between television institutions and audience has been influenced primarily by authorial valuations.
Oh my glob! Jonah from Tonga (ABC & HBO) is AMAZING! So great. Much laughter. lol.
– Society members who have no intelligent personal opinions
It is probably conceited of me, probably elitist of me, but I do not believe that people who believe Jonah was amazing have a mind of their own. Authorial valuation is a hilarious topic. Chris Lilley is a God, don’t get me wrong! Jonah, however, failed in comparison to its predecessors. There is a direct link between authorial valuation and television institutions and currently more-so than authors of film or novels. The age of television is now.