Category: Epiphanies

Epiphany 2

In history of film theory today we were discussing impressionism and compared two films from different eras that employ very similar techniques, those films being Taxi Driver ‘Martin Scorcese’ and The House of Usher ‘Jean Epstein’. One of the girls mentioned how Scorcese used a strong sense of colour to bring up this impressionistic aspect of the film. I thought it would be really cool to cut between two scenes or shots with the use a a blank colour accompanied by music that may reflect the colour some way. It was really vivid in my head so I would really like to try it.


Ehpifahknee 1

This week i had a cold so epiphanies were hard to come by. I tried to epiphanising but that doesn’t even exist.

On a serious note, I was thinking of what Paul and Robin were saying about how directors are very different about how they approach a scene, pre-planning, the process they go through on set, and how that turns out for the editors in post production.

I then thought about my favourite director in terms of how they set up a scene and David Fincher was the first that came to mind. I watched this video about him a while ago, and this youtube guy unpacks Fincher’s ‘directing’ style, and demonstrates them through a couple of different scenes over a few of his movies. I feel like a lot of what Fincher does takes a lot of planning and it makes sense. Especially, when he discusses his limited use of hand held camera shots in his movies, preferring a more fluid, detached approach. I like this idea of having the camera as a vision for the audience where they feel they could view the scene from any angle, as if they could float through the scene and view it for what it is. As opposed to feeling the presence of the camera man with hand-held footage etc. (which i definitely don’t have any vendetta against) i believe this would be more challenging.

